Mobile Apps

Understanding Mobile Apps: A Basic Overview

A smartphone nowadays can get you through all kinds of things, and that’s the beauty of it—since it’s the new all-in-one technological advance. Much of the capabilities of smartphones today are owed, in part, to mobile apps which together with mobile hardware have made the modern world much more convenient. 

It is for this reason that we find it necessary to provide you with a general understanding of mobile app in order to better navigate in this increasingly complicated world.

A mobile app, what is it?

A mobile app is a software application developed exclusively for use on small, wireless portable devices, such as smartphones, tablets, etc. rather than on desktop or laptop computers. Mobile applications are frequently no less functional compared to the desktop ones but still, these two belong to two entirely different species. In the eCommerce world alone, the mCommerce (Mobile Application) is one different sphere that treats different customer segments and often consists of initiatives aimed at different segments.

Read this next: Differences between eCommerce and mCommerce.
Mobile Apps in everyday life

How can I get a mobile app?

Downloading a mobile application has never been easier. To download an app on your mobile, simply go to the app marketplace that fits with your mobile device’s hardware/operating system and proceed from there.

The specifics as to which hardware/operating system goes with which store are as follow:

  • iOS/Apple → Apple App Store
  • Android     → Google Play Store

Do note that some listed apps might require your payment information or an account for download since those are paid apps, which is why it’s recommended that you should create an account in the store and set up a payment method beforehand. 

How it works – Understanding mobile apps

If you’re here to learn about mobile apps, you must’ve experienced first-hand its benefits. With mobile apps, people can now do virtually everything and everywhere. You can read news from every corner in the world, browse weather forecasts, watch movies or even do your business with mobile apps.

Mobile Apps for business

While a mobile app works on an online connection for download, you don’t necessarily need to be online anytime you need to use the app. Take the current emerging technology—Progressive Web Apps—for example: with break-through features such as offline capabilities, eCommerce stores, for the first time ever, can serve their customers on and off the grid.


The technological world today is moving at a rapid and unprecedented pace, which is why in order for you to keep up with its speed, a constant refresh and deepening of your knowledge is a must.

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