Magento Tutorials

Magento and WordPress Integration Tutorial

Magento and WordPress are both the most popular platforms in their own field. Magento is the biggest e-commerce platform, while WordPress is the most famous blogging platform. Both of them are widely used by millions of users around the world. This post will guide you on how to integrate your Magento website with WordPress.

Integrate WordPress into Magento

You can use Magento WordPress Integration (Magento extension) developed by FishPig, or you can go to Magento Marketplace and look for your preferred extension. Following the below steps and you will get the integration done easily:

1. To make this integration work, remember to install Magento and WordPress in 2 different folders. It can be either one root directory and a sub-directory or 2 different sub-directories.

2. Download the Magento WordPress Integration (in this tutorial we use the FishPig extension).

3. Go to your Magento root directory and you need to extract the files from the archive there. Then it’ll show like this:

fishpig extension

4. Login to your Magento store SSH account and go to Magento root directory and run the commands:

php bin/magento module:enable FishPig_WordPress
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

5. Log into your Magento Admin and then navigate to WordPress > Settings.

6. Make your configuration regarding all the details, blog URL and the path of your WordPress installation directory. 

wordpress integration setup

7. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Settings > General. You should fill in your Magento Site correctly. Update the Site Address to “/blog” so that WordPress front pages can be accessed with that URL.

Wordpress setting

Click on Save Changes.

8. To open your WordPress blog, go to Magento 2 store URL and add”/blog”.

Wordpress blog

→ Your Magento WordPress Integration is now installed successfully!

Did You Know?

How to Convert your WordPress website into PWA?


A knowledge craver who always strive to be wiser everyday.