Magento Tutorials

How to Configure Price Filter – Price Navigation in Magento 2

Price Filter is a part of Layered Navigation which usually appears on the left menu in search products results or category pages. It allows your customers to filter the products by price range.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to configure price navigation in your Magento 2 store.

magento 2 price navigation

Step 1: Log into your Magento 2 backend, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration

configuration menu

Step 2: Go to “Layered Navigation” in Catalog section on the left menu

magento 2 layered navigation

Step 3: Uncheck “Use system value” box, and choose “Display Product Count” field as Yes

magento 2 display product count

Step 4: Choose how you want to calculate price navigation steps.

In case you don’t know what navigation step is, here’s a quick example to help you better understand:

$20.00 – $29.99 (1)$0.00 – $99.99 (4)
$30.00 – $39.99 (2)$100 – $199.99 (5)

In Magento 2, you can choose the following methods to calculate your price navigation step:

  • Automatic (equalize price ranges): use the standard filtering algorithm for price navigation. Price navigation steps are calculated automatically in this method.
magento 2 step calculation
  • Automatic (equalize product counts): This method will make sure that multiple products of the same price will be grouped as one price navigation step.
magento 2 price display

+ Display Price Interval as One Price: show a single price when multiple products have the same price

+ Interval Division Limit: the threshold for a number of products within a price range. The default value of this field is 9.

  • Manual: use this if you want to change your navigation step and maximum number of price intervals.
magento 2 price navigation setting

+ Default Price Navigation Step: choose the price navigation step for your price filter. For example, here’s our price filter when Default Price Navigation Step is set to 2.

Manual price navigation step magento

+ Maximum Number of Price Intervals: choose the limit for your price intervals (up to 100)

Step 5: Click “Save Config” button to apply the changes

See more:
How to Enable Tier Price in Magento
Format Price in Magento based on current locale and currency


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