Magento Tutorials

Catalog Price Rules not working in Magento 2

What is Catalog Price Rules?

Magento 2 allows store owners to apply price rules for one or more categories. In the below example we created the rule “Black Friday” to apply a discount for any products in the “Video Download” category.

In your Magento 2 backend, go to Marketing > Promotions > Catalog Price Rule.

Magento catalog price rules

Click Apply Rules to enable the rule you just created (Black Friday rule in this case).

magento catalog price rules not applied

Check your frontend to see if this rule is applied or not.

magento catalog price rules keep resetting

As you can see, the Black Friday rule hasn’t been applied at all.

How to solve this problem?

Recheck your configuration

Your catalog price rules might not be working properly because they were not properly configured, or your testing setup does not fall into the conditions of the catalog price rule (e.g., incorrect customer group). Here are the most important things that you need to recheck:

  • Time range: make sure that your start date and expiration date are correctly set
  • Customer group: a specific customer group must be chosen and your testing setup must use that customer group to test
  • Rule conditions: check that your conditions are correctly set and no other rules supersede your new catalog price rules

Manually apply the rules

It could be that your new catalog price rules were created & saved but not applied. In these cases, the system will show a warning like so:

Rules not applied magento 2

The new catalog price rules won’t have an effect on your catalog unless you manually apply it by clicking on the Apply Rules button.

Apply catalog price rules magento 2

Reindex indexers

You can follow these simple methods to solve the catalog price rule error:

ssh login

1. Open a command line tool (SSH or Terminal)

magento 2 root folder

2. Access the root folder of your Magento 2 installation location

3. Run this line

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

4. Check your frontend to see if it’s working

It works now!

magento catalog price rules cron

Update to Magento 2.4.2

Cart price rule does not apply (GraphQL) is a known bug in Magento Commerce & Magento Commerce Cloud 2.3.2 – 2.4.1. To resolve this, you’ll need to apply MDVA-33975 Magento patch or update to Magento 2.4.2.

See more:
How to Solve “Coupon code is not valid” Error in Magento 1 & 2
Magento Service Temporarily Unavailable
Please re-run Magento compile command


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